• With it having been such a dry April, chances of lots of rain to come could mean the slugs and snails will appear in their masses. Now is the time to encourage hedgehogs, frogs, toads etc. Remember that slug and snail killer based on metaldehyde is now banned due to the effect on other wildlife. 

  • Time to sow dwarf and climbing French beans and runner beans, keeping a watch for frosts.

  • Onions, shallots and leeks can be planted.

  • Successional showings of salad crops can be made plus carrots and peas.

  • Any early potatoes with tops showing should be moulded up to protect against frost.

  • Hardy annuals can be sown and dahlias planted, protected against frost and the usual slugs and snails.

  • Tulips and daffodils which have finished flowering can have the foliage removed and if desired lifted for storage.

  • When mowing the grass areas can be left to grow longer to see what wild flowers appear to help pollinators etc.

  • Beware if trimming any hedges or bushes not to disturb any nesting birds, which is against the law. 

  • Don't collect frogspawn or tadpoles from countryside ponds for your own garden pond to prevent any diseases being transferred.

  • Try to keep on top of weeds to eliminate as many pests as possible.