Welcome to the 

King's Lynn Horticultural Society.

You can find Quick Links to the other parts of our website on the far left of the page.

We hope you enjoy your visit.

This website was designed and created by Stephen Fairweather

We're an active, friendly club, established in 1826 and affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society. In the past, the Society has enjoyed much popularity and support, but in recent years, as busy schedules and smaller gardens forced horticulture out of our lives, membership of the Society has fallen. However, with more and more programmes being brought to our television screens, gardening is most definitely coming back into fashion.

We hold one show annually, which is open to all members and non members alike to enter, and which features classes for all aspects of horticulture, including vegetables, flowers, pot plants, flower arranging, cookery and crafts. Several  events are also held throughout the year. Non members are always made welcome at all our meetings.

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