Joining the KLHS
We are an active, friendly bunch of people from all areas and walks of life with one thing in common- our love for our gardens, allotments and plants in general.
We hold monthly meetings from late summer through to spring. These take the format of talks, quiz nights and just social evenings. Everyone is welcome at these evenings, with refreshments always available and raffles at most events.
During the summer months, most of our focus is on our Annual Show. This takes place in early August, in the South Wootton Village Hall and features classes covering all aspects of horticulture, including vegetables, fruit, pot plants, cookery, crafts and flower arranging. There is also a children’s section. Again, everyone is welcome to enter our Show- you do not need to be an expert.
Our exhibitors are of all ages and levels of experience; drop in and have a look- we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
The KLHS has also built show gardens for the Sandringham Flower Show, and regularly supplies judges for local garden competitions, as well as taking part in educational events across the borough, such as Food Fortnight, and Adult Learners’ Week. We will also be involved in planting and maintaining flower beds in the newly revamped Walks in the centre of Lynn.
We also publish a quarterly newsletter, featuring not only news of our events, past and present, but also tips and articles by members (serious and not so serious!). The newsletter serves as a useful forum for members to keep in touch with each other.
Our members benefit from all this including discounts from various traders for £10 a year (under 16s’ membership is free!), so if friendship, fun, and the chance to pick up plenty of tips and get involved in new experiences is what you’re after, then what are you waiting for?